So on Tuesday we had a lot of appointments and one of them was with this guy Martin...who wants to be an atheist. So we showed him Alma 32 and read that with him and emphasized that it says in there to "try God" with faith. It was interesting trying to get guy who says he's an atheist to just use a little bit of faith. It's funny because by doing that, Martin will actually have to use quite a bit of faith!
So Weds was just okay. We played sports at the ward with the members, so that was pretty cool except they showed up an hour late :-)
Thursday I had to go to District Council meeting with all of the other DLs and ZLs. I got to see my friends Elder Campbell and my former companion from Huancavelica, Elder Jimenez! It was great to see them. We ate Popeye's chicken so that was a nice break from Peruvian food. Then we had the council meeting and it was like a panel interview where we could ask questions to the APs, President and Sister Silva. It was a good meeting. President spoke and as expected, he's made some changes to the mission rules. The big change was that going out of our not the Zone (big) but the Area (small). This change will be hard to get used to. He also has issues with us calling each other by just our last name (leaving out Elder)...this one is familiar to me because I remember my Dad's mission president in Hawaii would get after the missionaries for calling them "guys" or "dudes" or whatever they said back then. Slang and loose talk is the issue here. Also, President Silva said we are no longer restricted from eating with members. Before, we were only allowed to eat with our pension. President said that this added time with members might result in good work being accomplished. So all of this is going to take some getting used to but you have to just accept it and move forward! I know that President Silva is the Lord's servant called to lead us at this time and in this place.
On Friday we found another family to teach. They are dirt biking fanatics and their kid is like a world champ at it or something. So they accepted us into their home because they say they've been looking for a church to go to as a family! So that was great!
Saturday the parties began here in Peru. It is like 4th of July here this coming week but its not just one day, but the whole week.
Reflection of the Week: Talking to lots of people this week has brought us success. Something I refused to accept when I got here was that the area was "dead" or not known for being productive. Every area I've been in has had a similar challenge and so I've said from Day 1 as a goal that I wanted to improve the area in some way or another. A total of 11 new investigators this week! Contacting works! The Villanera family still comes and they were a family we contacted. They want to get baptized. They were a knocked door. I love it out here! Time is flying! Love you all! #doitforjesus
District Council - July 2016 |
Elder Moss & Elder Gonzales - July 2016 |
Elder Moss & Elder Jimenez - July 2016 |
Peruvian Sunset in Huancayo - July 2016 |
Another one... |