Monday, May 23, 2016

I Was Sick Last Week!

Hey family! How are you all?  Things are good in Mantaro! Elder Gonzales is adjusting to mission life and is doing good.  We had a tough week but we worked really hard. Every night we'd return home and crash.  Monday for P-day we went to this place called Cochas. Supposedly it's this touristic place..we didn't think it was that great.  But we did buy a few things.  I was not feeling so hot on Monday. After we got done sending emails my body just started hurting....I felt terrible. I hung out with Elder Bautista and Crosland while everyone else went to go hike a mountain.  Afterwards we came back and we went and taught Mariella and John a lesson. Headed home that night and I was so sick.  Headache, stomach ache, body aches and really bad chills.  I put my hat and sweatshirt on, took some medicine and tried to sleep.  Didn't sleep at all.  Tuesday we had District meeting. Thank goodness I wasn't teaching.  I pretty much laid in bed all day trying to stay warm. Wednesday I felt so much better.  We actually taught 4 lessons that day. Then the week got tough! We've been trying to contact in the street or knocking on doors and still no luck. Please pray for us that this week will be better.  Thursday we taught Mariella about the Plan of Salvation.  I love teaching this because it's something that Peruvian people don't know. The Catholic church doesn't teach this.  Mariella read everything.  The lesson went well and her husband helped a lot.  She really understood it. She does have some doubts.  One of those doubts is she doesn't understand why only men have the Priesthood. She's offended by that.  We explained that we all have different roles and that this is God's didn't choose this.  Elder Gonzales tried to explain but she got frustrated.  So I bore my testimony of my parents and how they accept their roles and magnify them.  The spirit was there as I told her how I saw my mom and dad effective in their responsibilities.   I love my parents and their great example. I want her to understand her role, that it's so important.  Yes, there is a difference but we are all the same.  God's plan is perfect and we all knew that before we came to this earth and that's why we chose to follow him.  Never doubt what God has created.  Always ask our Heavenly Father with a sincere prayer for help. Marielle did end up coming to church on Sunday! Her husband is awesome.  We ended the week with teaching a less active family, Ticliacuvi family.  We are hoping to rescue them! The leadership of the ward here is really challenged. The bishop works so hard and he has very little support from his counselors or other people. Elder Gonzales and I are using the Bishop's Handbook to help teach the leaders here and give them some advice. Maybe I'm not here to teach a lot of people but I'm here to organize the ward and help the bishop. I hope we don't offend the bishop but it is pretty challenging here. We taught a total of 14 lessons this week which isn't that much. I feel like our ward is really more like a branch. We have a real challenge here in the ward where there's not very many worthy priesthood holders. Right now the goal is to baptize men. We have tons of sisters here in the ward. 

Reflection of the week:  This gospel isn't based on our numbers or success. It's based on how hard we try. I know that it has been really tough with finding people to teach.  But when I get back to our room, I'm tired and that's when I know I've worked hard.  I have the BIGGEST desire to read the scriptures you guys...every day! I love them so much and I cherish them. I mark them up and I find the coolest things in the scriptures. I love you all so much! #doitforjesus


Elder Moss

Huancayo - Mantaro, May 2016
Surviving The Flu

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