Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! I hope everyone has a fun, safe night trick or treating!  This last week was good.....nothing crazy happened.  This last transfer every companionship had changes in Cerro de Pasco except ours. I have to be honest with you that being with someone for 3 months sometimes can be challenging. It didn't rain much this week but it definitely got colder.  

We've been able to play basketball every morning this last that's been fun! Monday we sent Elder Hernandez off to Tingo Maria.That's supposedly the coolest area in the mission. He was really happy about that transfer. It will be his 3rd time in the jungle. Later we played basketball, again, at the University. Monday night we were invited do have family night  and have dinner with the Atencio family. They have been members for a long time. They sell Herbalife and always trying to get me to buy some because it comes from the States. 

Tuesday we had a wonderful lesson with Ana.  Ana told us that she wants to for sure get baptized on November 19th...she's so excited! Elder Morales and I asked her some questions for her pre-interview and found that she needed to have more information on Joseph Smith to have a testimony of him and his work.  We had Ana watch the Restoration and the greatest thing about Ana is that when we tell her to do something she's always so willing and actually does it.  She wants to learn and everyday she reads a chapter from the BOM.  We returned on Friday and she was able to tell us all about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. She explained to us how she felt the spirit as she was watched and read more about Joseph Smith. She said, "I know it's all true and I can't wait to get baptized." She also came to church on Sunday. I would have to say that Ana will be one of my best converts!

Rocio also has a baptismal date for November 19th.  She's really prepared but she wants her parents acceptance. She's 19 and doesn't need their permission but it's important to her to have their approval. Ana is the same way and she's 45 years old.

There's a big marathon coming up here in CDP next weekend. Pretty crazy to run 26.2 miles at 14,200 feet.There are signs and banners all over the city advertising it. Maybe we will get to see the runners go by!   

Reflection of the week:  The last couple changes in my mission have been really tough. I'm not going to lie, my mission has been hard and I seem to get put into a lot of tough situations over and over. But I've learned to keep a good attitude and turn hard areas into working and productive areas. I've learned that sometimes you just have to accept the situation and do your best to push forward.  I've stopped keeping track of time and holding onto disappointments.  I've experienced a lot of let downs in my mission and it doesn't matter.  The best thing I can do is just get outside, work and smile.  Having a good attitude can change any situation we are in.  I'm so glad to be here in Cerro de Pasco serving the Lord.  #doitforjesus


Elder Moss

Elder Moss, Elder Morales, Elder Hernandez and Elder Matthews - Cerro De Pasco 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Miguel Got Baptized!

It was a great week this week and the time flew by! Miguel got baptized last Wednesday!  We spent a lot of time on Wednesday getting ready for the baptism. It was supposed to begin at 5pm but Peruvian time is an hour late so we going at 6pm. Dad would lose it here, ha ha! It was such a great day for Miguel and he was so happy.  His family came and supported him.  Half of his family are members. When Miguel shared his testimony you could see that his countenance had could see a light in his face! Miguel is 25 years old and he works in a car shop.  His wife left him and he was making some bad decisions in his life...he wanted to change and make his life better.  We saw him a few days after his baptism and he truly was a different person. 

The weeks are flying by here in Cerro de Pasco.  We had transfers yesterday and nothing changed....I'm still with Elder Morales.  Last Monday we had zone p-day and played a lot of board games inside the church because it was raining and hailing. Most p-days we are trying to avoid the rain.  I've decided that I'm not of a fan of rain. Typical day here is it is sunny until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and then it begins to rain.  

Tuesday, Renald, a member that's from Lima Callao came with us to do visits.  He loves to help us do visits everyday if he can. I've noticed a big difference in the way the ward here supports the missionaries. They are really great people. The Ward Council brought me a cake for my birthday last Sunday! 

On Thursday we had an opportunity to teach a lesson to an inactive family.  They haven't been to church for 12 years.  They're actually the pioneers of Cerro de Pasco...the first family to be baptized and helped others to get baptized.  They said they've been going to another church, which is kind of sad. We talked about their testimonies of the gospel.  I asked them if they knew that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ? They told me that if we take the Introduction of the Book of Mormon at face value then yes, they believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet. But I asked them "Do you know in your hearts that this is all true?" And they said no and it was sad for us to hear them say that. So Elder Morales and I both bore our testimonies to them and it was the coolest thing. The Spirit was strong and I hope this family felt it. I'm hoping they will let us come back and talk to them more.

I also got great news this week from Mantaro in Huancayo...Jose and Lucero Diaz got baptized! Elder Gonzales and I taught them and worked with them and they got married when I was in that area. It was great to hear they accepted the gospel and joined the church there in Mantaro!

Reflection of the week:  I've been thinking a lot about testimony this past week, especially after we had the lesson with the inactive family. It made me realize how vital a testimony is. I know that in the mission I have gained a big testimony of the gospel. I have seen it change lives...mostly mine. I have felt such a big impact from my testimony and it has helped me understand more about my purpose on this earth. Seeing Miguel on Wednesday and how happy he was changed me a bit. The gospel has really changed his life...and mine as well. #doitforjesus


Elder Moss

Miguel's Baptism - Cerro de Pasco - October 2016

Elder Moss & Elder Morales - October 2016

Elder Moss & Elder Morales - October 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Last B-day in the mission

Family what's up?  Thank you for all the birthday wishes.....I can't believe I'm 20 years old! I'm not a teenager anymore.  This last week was awesome!  Monday we had comp P-day.  We all played pool and then more fun!  Like I've said before playing basketball at this elevation makes my lungs want to explode and then the following day I'm really tired.  But it's so worth it to me! Cerro de Pasco has become one of my favorite areas.I have really come to love it and really enjoy everything it has to offer.  

Tuesday, during district meeting, the Elders bought a birthday cake for Elder Chujo and I. Loved eating it and most of all getting it smashed into my face.  Sorry mom, no pic, my camera was dead, but I'm sending a lot of other pictures this week.  

The whole week it rained, hailed, and rained some more. The streets turn into rivers and the man holes blowup and turn into fountains. People get mad because they built a city around a mine and the company wants to expand the hole but that requires abandoning the city.  So the company is slowly buying houses and destroying them. The Peruvian always say, "If the Americans would've stayed (they started the mine) then we wouldn't have a huge city built around a huge expanding hole.  I just don't comment on that.  

Thursday we had division with E. Paragsha and then we went and slept in Elder Hernandez and Elder Matthews place...that was great!

Friday was my B-day.  The ZL'S brought me my package. We went and did some visits in the rain. Miguel passed his interview! He's suppose to get baptized this Wednesday.....he's so excited! Keep him in your prayers. That night we went and visited the Victors family. Marisa (the mom) made a cake for my b-day.  We ate it with them and they sang to me.  It was a fun evening! We left and headed back to Noemi, our pension. She bought a Tres Leches cake for me so we ate it with her and her two kids, Jarom and Joseph.  I opened my package and I felt so loved....thank you to everyone! It was such a great was filled with so much happiness! I can't believe this is my last b-day in the mission...that's CRAZY! 

Saturday we had the opportunity to do division with members and I was able to go with some members from another ward.  They took me to their friends house, Fernando and Isela Alvavez. They have 3 daughters. I shared with them lesson 1 and you could feel the spirit as I testified with Hermano Oscar and Hermana Liz about the gospel.  They were really interested and we have a return date with them.  They were so amazed at how fluent I was in Spanish.  They kept asking me how I learned and they told me I speak like a latin...LOL!  Hermana Liz commented about how my mom and dad must be so proud of what I'm doing. She testified of the importance of having good parents in the gospel. I truly realized in that moment how much my parents have affected me. It was all true what she was saying.  Parents are the key to learning in the gospel. I'm so grateful for my parents. 

Rocia and Ana are doing good. Rocia fasted on her own...that was cool to hear! I know she'll be getting baptized soon. Ana will probably be getting baptized at the end of the month. She wants to make her own decision when to get baptized.  So we are waiting patiently.  We have great support from the ward.  President Silva called me on Friday to wish me a happy b-day.  I think that was probably the best part of the day....honestly my heart was racing.  Such a great week with a lot of success!

Reflection of the week:  I have sincerely learned to love these people. In my interview with President Silva, he told me how important it is to love as we do the work and that it should be the first thing. I've been praying for help to be able to show my love towards these people. I love the members and the people we teach. This last change has brought me more laughs, smiles and hugs. It's true that when there is love there you will have success in your work. I have a firm testimony of that. I love you all! Thank you again for all the birthday wishes! #doitorjesus


Elder Moss

Elder Moss birthday celebration with Victor - Cerro de Pasco

Birthday cake for Elder Moss - made by Marisa Victors (investigator)

Elder Moss celebrating his last b-day with the Victors family
(Altenor, Marisa, Victor and Pamela)
Thanks Noemi (pension) for the yummy Tres Leche b-day cake

Cerro de Pasco flooded streets and man hole fountain - Oct 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

We Moved & Then Moved Back

I think my body has finally gotten use to the cold temperatures here in CDP. We had an adventurous week.....moving twice and interviews with President! Time really is going by quicker each week.  P-days come around fast.  And transfers are fast approaching.  I can't believe that Zach got home!  It seems like yesterday I was saying goodbye to him. I hope he's adjusting back to real life.

This past week was crazy but good.  We didn't have a lot of proselyting time, but we did have some solid teaching,  Monday we were able to play basketball for a couple hours at the University in our area.  We played with some members and students.  That was fun!! Not gonna lie it's so hard playing b-ball at 14,000 feet......your lungs and body can feel it! But it was so worth it to play basketball.  

Tuesday we moved into our new place.  We thought it was going to be great.  Well turns out this place has no water or lights!  We had to talk to the landlord and ask for our money back....which he gave us.  But then we had to ask our Pension if we could come back to our old place?  Because she loves us, she let us come back.  So we moved back on on Thursday....such a pain.  I fixed the shower in the old room and we rearranged the now it looks a little nicer.  I know I need to get the address for Grandpa Moss so he can find it on Google maps since he loves doing that!

We had interviews with President Silva on Wednesday.  I gained a lot of respect for him.  He shared a great scripture with me in the Doctrine and Covenants about loving the people first who we teach.  If we don't love everyone around us then it's harder for the work to move forward.  Sometimes it's hard being an American here because the people have a harder time accepting you.  I also gained a greater appreciation for President in that he treats his wife with so much kindness and respect.  I have never heard someone talk so nice to his wife on the phone. What a great example. 

We had a cool experience on Sunday.  We were walking to church to go to ward council and I saw a couple sitting and talking.  I didn't think much of it but then the Spirit told me we should go talk to them.  Honestly I thought about ignoring it and then I remembered what Uncle David had told me last year about acting on every impression of the spirit.  So we stopped and went back to talk to them. Their names are Jose and Stephanie.  Jose used to go to church 10 years back and the Elders visited him 5 years ago but then stopped.  We had a great conversation with them and talked about their family.  They're still interested in coming back to church.  They were glad to see us and know that there are still missionaries in the area.  It was a great experience for me with listening to the promptings of the spirit. Who knows if they will progress but the greatest part is I listened and obeyed and that strengthened my testimony of following promptings from the Spirit.  

Reflection of the week: I have a strong testimony of fasting.  If you remember a few weeks back we fasted for Miguel to help him overcome his casual drinking.  We visited him on Saturday and he's doing so great and a lot happier. We set a goal with him to read two pages of the BOM each day. It might not seem like much to some, but that's a big step for him. He wants a new life and wants to change. Every time we see him he asks us about baptism.  He truly is a person looking to repent of his sins and it's so amazing to see the Spirit working through him. Something that I have learned from Miguel is as children of God, we don't need to be perfectly prepared to take on a change in our life. We just need to trust in our Savior and know he will guide us.  Miguel is not 100% ready for baptism but his desires and willingness to change is so strong. He's willing to leave the past and start over again in his life.  Pray for Miguel so he can continue to prepare and learn. #doitforjesus


Elder Moss

Elder Moss - Cerro de Pasco - October 2016

Elder Moss - Cerro de Pasco - October 2016

Elder Morales & Elder Moss - Cerro de Pasco - October 2016

Elder Moss

Cerro de Pasco

Monday, October 3, 2016

Another Great General Conference!

Hey Family....How are you all?  So crazy that it's October! This last weekend was so great watching General Conference.  I can't believe that this was my 3rd conference in Peru.  General Conference was so awesome....the messages really got to me and my heart. I was able to have questions answered.  I have truly learned to appreciate hearing from the Prophet and the Apostles.  I got to watch Conference in English with 6 other Elders. We were in a small room in the church and we were so lucky that the Bishop turned on the heat!  I want to finish out these last 9 months of my mission with doing my best.  And most importantly I really want to focus on my personal relationship with my Savior.

P-days are getting really limited on the things we can do.  It's challenging to find interesting activities when we are limited with the new rules.  We can't eat in restaurants now and our Zone P-days have to be approved by President Silva.  Last Monday we did play soccer and pool with the members. We did find a new room to move to and the plan is to move on Tuesday. I'm happy about that!

Tuesday we had a great lesson with Rocio, who has a baptismal date for October 15.  We did find out that she's feeling a bit scared because she wants her parents to accept her.  We assured her that she can pray for strength.  I shared with her a scripture that Aunt Carol had shared with me a few months back.  It is Matthew 19:29 ....And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.  Rocio is going to talk to her parents along with us.  She wants to invite them to come to church with her.  Please pray for her and her parents.

Wednesday we taught Ana a wonderful lesson.  Ana is 53 years old and is really prepared. After challenging her to obey the ward limits a few weeks ago, she has seen the blessings of obeying.  I promised her if she was obedient in following the ward limits that she'd be bless and she recognized that blessing.  She reads the BOM everyday.  She really wants to feel ready to make that commitment to be baptized.  I told her that she is ready but she needs to pray to receive her own manifestation. She showed up to watch General Conference...which was really cool!

Reflection of the week:  Two messages that really caught me were from Elder Meurs and President Eyring.  Elder Meurs talked about how we can make the sacrament be more meaningful in our lives. He talked about 5 things that he knows will help us.  My favorite one was paying attention to the hymns and lyrics.  He said as we do that we invite the spirit to be with us.  I was always one to not pay attention but after teaching about this most important ordinance it has made me cherish it more. President Eyring said, "The greatest blessing is the feeling of forgiveness we obtain from partaking of the sacrament."  I know that Christ died for us.  I see his atonement work in other people's lives and in mine.  I feel it as I write....I know this church is true.  I know it in my heart.  I love this gospel and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I feel his divine love when I need it most.  I testify that Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the Restoration and the BOM is the true word of God.  I love you all and I'm so grateful for your prayers.  #doitforjesus


Elder Moss